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AnyTone AT-D868UV GPS Ver II + USB cable + Mic Dual Band Analog/DMR
Free programming cable
The AnyTone D868UV GPS Dual Band radio was developed to conform to the DMR Tier I and II requirements. It offers state-of-the-art performance for both digital and analog operation at both the UHF and VHF frequency band. The radio has been certified by FCC under Part 90 standards and offers 4,000 Channels, 10,000 Digital Talk Groups with 150,000 Contacts. The large color display offers clear information about the radio operation and function, including displaying whom you are connected to. The powerful transmitter is very reliable and offers up to 7 Watts of power for a hand-held.
DMR: True 2 slot which complies to Motorola Tier I and II
Auto-senses digital or analog reception
Power: 6 W, 5 W, 2.5W or 0.5W – 7 W max on VHF
Sensitivity: ≤0.25 µV Analog @ 25 kHz, ≤0.35 µV Analog @ 12.5 kHz
0.3 µV/-117.4 dBm (BER 5%) DMR
Selectivity: ≥ 70 dB @ 25 kHz, and ≥60 dB @ 12.5 kHz
Modulation: 7K60FXD data and 7K60FXE data+voice
DMR Talk Groups: 4,000 Channels, 10,000 Talk Groups with 150,000 Contacts
Display: 1.77-inch color TFT screen with dual channel display
can be set to single or dual channel operation
displays DMR ID, Callsign, Name, City, State, Country etc.
Bandwidth: 12.5 kHz/25 kHz Analog, and 12.5 kHz DMR
Analog Tone: CTCSS/DCS encode and decode
DTFM/2Tone/5Tone encode and decode
Four different Tone-Pulse frequencies
DMR call: Individual, Group or All call
Display icon or voice prompt when connected to a repeater
Vocoder: AMBE 3000
Encryption: Allows encryption functions
SMS: Allows SMS via keyboard
Recording: Allows internal recording of calls (option)
PTT: ANI function and PTT ID or Voice Operated Transmit
Alarm: Emergency Alarm Transmit with GPS coordinates
Connection: Kenwood type earphone/mic connection - programming cable
GPS: Full feature GPS positioner (option)
Programming: Easy to use software for programming DMR and Analog
allows export/import of each parameter to/from excel spreadsheet
easy import of DMR contact database (entire worldwide)
Programming Guide available to clarify all parameters
Advanced Features: Call Alert – will send a message to the target radio
Remote Monitor – Open the mic at target radio
Get GPS – will obtain GPS position of the target radio
Check Radio – will check if target radio is powered on
Kill/Wake – can make target radio inoperative/open it up.
Battery: Standard 2,100 mAh Polymer battery
3100 mAh Li-ion battery (thicker back)
Package Includes:
AnyTone AT-D868UV GPS dual-band DMR/Analog radio
USB Programming Cable and software
Dual Band Antennas
Li-ion Battery 3100mAh
Belt Clip
Charger base and AC Adapter
User's Manual